Chemical solvents are always used when making plastics or rubber. What many people do not know is that finished products, like cleaning gloves, continue to emit these chemicals for a long time. The smell of gloves can thus carry a hidden risk, namely a harmful gas. For example carbon disulphide (CS2) is used in the production of rubber and synthetic fibres. This neurotoxic substance is released from rubber goods and causes irreparable damage if you inhale it. Symptoms go sometimes unnoticed for years and include impaired vision, hearing damage, reduced fertility, cardiovascular disease, dementia and paralysis.
The danger is especially present when unloading containers or trucks containing rubber goods or plastics. Last year, for instance, several containers containing gloves had carbon disulphide concentrations over 15 times the legal limit. One must also remain alert in premises where such goods are stored. The mere washing out of a rubber floor covering can cause a harmful concentration of carbon disulphide after only 10 hours, according to scientific research from 2021.
To know whether everything is ok at your workplace, there is a simple solution. With Atmosafe’s new DIY measurement, you can schedule and perform a measurement yourself and get a full overview of the substances present and the risk associated with them.
Harmful gases when storing rubber goods and plastics
Chemical solvents are always used when making plastics or rubber.
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